The Great Pyramid... of Tirana?

Tirana. Know that place? No? It's the capital of Albania, and a severely underrated city in the Balkan Peninsula of South Eastern Europe.

I was travelling through Tirana last December, as you do, and discovered a site known locally as the Pyramid of Tirana.

It's ugly. It's real ugly.
@ Pyramid of Tirana, Albania

Eek, that's an ugly pyramid.

If you're expecting an Egyptian style Great Pyramid, you will be bitterly disappointed. The pyramid is a derelict building built in the objectively grotesque communist architectural style. The pyramid stands out as the visually most unappealing structure I have ever seen.

Now yes, I know, it's an ugly building that has been left abandoned for over 20 years but hear me out as I think the wider history around the pyramid is pretty interesting.

The Pyramid of Tirana was constructed as a museum during communist rule in Albania. The museum was dedicated to the former leader of Albania, Enver Hoxha. I can't find any reports confirming this, but I think he may have been compensating for something.

After Hoxha's death, all Albanian citizens had to annually travel to this museum and mourn for their former leader; those who didn’t were marked traitors of the state and imprisoned or executed.
Soviet and communist memorials in Tirana are hidden out of sight

Communism in Albania sucked.

Albania did communism, and she did communism hard. The rulers even cut ties with the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and China as they thought 'they weren't communist enough'. Before 1991, when the regime fell, bank accounts, private vehicle ownership, tourism and bananas were unheard of; these are all pretty important pieces of a strong and stable economy meaning communist Albania had a hard time keeping up with the developed world. 

Upon the regime's collapse, Albania's sudden internationalisation was stuffed full of turmoil for decades as the now free population learnt about banking, private ventures, and Coca-Cola.

Back, and better than ever.

Albania is now a free, connected and somewhat prosperous nation; a stark contrast to what it was just 30 years ago. The pyramid now sits abandoned as a scar to a dark time in the country's history.

I'll put together a solo traveller's guide to Tirana and Albania soon as it is a really great place to visit; especially if you fancy getting off the beaten track. Beer is sold by the litre at under a euro, which is always a great selling point in my book... or blog.

Downtown Tirana
@Tirana, Albania
Anyways, just though I would take you on a travel ramble of something. More structured content coming soon.



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